How to Make Christmas Memorable:
Idea #1: Have a few Special Christmases, such as a right-of-passage
Other Christmases that stand out in my mind are ones that involve a special place, such as the one we had in Hawaii (the year I got another American Girl doll, this time Addy), or the one we celebrated in London (we weren't actually there for Christmas day, so we celebrated it a little early).
How to Make Christmas Memorable:
Idea #2: Go somewhere special, not all Christmases have to be at home.
Kako has the best idea for creating a memorable Christmas--she has concluded that her kids have too much stuff (as do mine), so on Christmas, Santa brings them a few gifts, but the main present her kids get is an experience. This year, Noah and I are doing this (if our house sells). In February, we're going to take our kids to Orlando, Florida for one week and go to Disney World for one day, and the beach for 5. Our kids will still each get a gift from Santa (Gabby wants a scooter and Alex wants a Skateboard) and they'll of course get spoiled by their grandparents, so there's no need for us to go all out, plus I don't want my kids to be materialistic. One of the best things my parents gave me was the gift of travel--they somehow managed to haul 5 kids (the youngest one being 4) around Europe for one month, we lived in Hawaii for one year, London for 6 months, Boston for a summer . . . most recently, my mom took my two youngest siblings to Guatemala for the summer and prior to that, they went to Beijing, China. I hope to give the same thing to my kids (and I know Noah's all for it). Maybe next year we'll give the kids the experience of living with their grandparents for a week while Noah and I go see Germany!
How to Make Christmas Memorable:
Idea #3: Give experiences insead of material gifts
So what other ideas do you have to make Christmas memorable and what were your most memorable Christmases?
What wonderful(?) memories! So is the moral here that the crappier your tree is, the more memorable your Christmas is?
That's a great idea!
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