Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Final Resolution

My third and final resolution (so I don't overload myself) is to become more balanced with my family and personal life.
Here's the thing, when I was in school, I had a few hours every day that was my time and despite how much I hated being in school while I had two kids at home, it was a much needed break. After I graduated, I found myself struggling to find Hobie--watching TV and going shopping don't count in my book. Now don't get me wrong, I totally believe that raising my children well is the most important thing I can do; however if I lose who I am while I'm raising them, am I doing them a favor?
Solution: I'm going to implement a relaxed schedule to ensure that I give my kids the quality time they need in addition to having my own quality time.
The schedule (which I started today): we wake up whenever (usually by 8:30, but I'm not going to be banging any gongs), eat breakfast, then we have preschool time where Alex (18 months) colors and Gabby (4) and I work on getting her ready for kindergarten next fall. Today we went until about 11:30 AM at which time Alex went down for a nap. Nap time means it's my time and quiet time for Gabby (she can play in her room, watch a movie or read books).
So Now What do I do? During My Time, I can blog (which I'm really loving), read (which is why I started the book club), catch up the photo albums, sing or do whatever--the point is that I'm taking time out each day so I don't go crazy and one day wake up and realize I haven't a clue who I am.
When Alex Wakes Up: we have some physical activity (which can include shopping if need be, when you bring your kids it can become quite physical). Generally, I'd like the physical activity to include: going for a walk, going to the park, playing outside . . . anything to wear my precious children out.
When the Kids are Exhausted: let them play on their own or set up a craft to work on. Around 4 PM I'll start the preparations for dinner (i.e. thaw chicken, cut vegetables, etc.)
When Noah Gets Home: He watches the kids and I go for a 2 mile jog around the neighborhood. When my jog is done, I finish dinner and we eat together as a family.
After Dinner: we clean up the kitchen (as a family), the kids take a bath and get ready for bed. When the kids are ready for bed, we read together and they go to sleep (by 7:30 PM).
A Quiet House: When the kids are out, I get time with Noah (Boggle and such), then he works on his master's degree while I enjoy the peace and quiet by reading or going out on the town.
Note: I'm no stickler and if something comes up, I'm not going to pass it up just because it doesn't fit in the schedule.


Gabrielle of Design Mom said...

Schedules are so great. I rarely stick to mine, but they provide such lovely direction and get me back on track if my day is drifting.

Kaila said...

I'm hoping I can stick to it (organization isn't really my thing) but I think the kids and I will both benefit.

Kaila said...

I can really see your point. Today, here's how the schedule went: We woke up (didn't do any cleaning), Gabby went to gymnastics and then to a friends house (I did some drooling at downeast home and then relaxed while Alex took a nap), after picking up Gabby, we went to Noah's cousin's house for dinner, stayed there until midnight, we're now home and the kids are in bed at 12:27 AM and I'm blogging.

The schedule is more of a guidline and I know it was made to be broken but I like having it there as a suggestion, just in case . . .

Henry Parents said...

Yeah, scheduling can be rough. I feel like Henry switches the game on me every few weeks (at the moment he is on a regular rotation of angel sleep baby and goblin night baby) so I figure I have no real power in the situation until he is a little older. At this point I just set small daily goals - like vacuuming, world peace, etc. If I get that one goal done, then I praise the skies above and feel like a good person.

The hardest thing is carving in time to run/jog, I just need thirty minutes or so (and we have a treadmill) but I have only used it twice in the last three months. I usually do yoga once a week and that has been really nice. Let me know how the whole running thing goes for you.

Kaila said...

So far the whole running thing is pretty pathetic--if wasn't so damn cold!