Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Between Worlds

I'm using Uncle Ernie's (a Lifferth Uncle) Mac with a very small, 21 inch screen (you're welcome Grandpa Wes) and am discovering that I love the sleek look, but really--are they so much better than a PC?  I can't even figure out how to open two screens, which is why I have no picture in this blog post, sigh.

By the way, we're now Hoosiers.  Unfortunately we're also homeless (while still being home owners).  Explanation:  we're still waiting on the Utah estate to sell, and are simultaneously waiting for our apartment to be ready for us in Indiana (it's been vacant since the second, but is apparently in need of some painting and repair).  We've been living in a Holiday Inn for the last week.  Tonight, we're staying with Noah's uncle and aunt as the small living space was starting to get to us.  It's nice still having family around.  We really feel at home and are being pampered like you wouldn't believe.

We're finally starting to adjust to the time change (which is 2 hours later).  Gabby and Alex fell asleep tonight at 8:30 PM Indiana time so we're hoping for happy children tomorrow.  I've been trying to keep them busy so we don't have to spend too much time in cramped quarters. So far we've gone to Chuck E. Cheese's (which has "way funner games than the Orem one"), we've also visited the only GAP/ Old Navy/ Banana Republic warehouse in the world, and as you can imagine, it was AWESOME.  Today, I took the kids to open gym at a gymnastics place.  Tomorrow, we're getting together for a play date with someone from our new ward, and we may also hit a children's museum in the area that has an over sized bathroom with a toilet you can actually slide down--is this Heaven? 

Hope all is well with those of you that we left behind (we do actually miss you all, and we REALLY miss having our own place--Hope you're enjoying it Bridgett and Rory)!


Anonymous said...

WOW!! I am jealous! A better Chuck E. Cheese? And outlet stores? And huge toilets? You have gone to Heaven.

Here in Provo, we have had approximately five feet of snow. (The people who shovel theirs have less.) I bought Julie an electric blanket today because she's getting too cold in our freezing basement.

We miss you SOOOOOO much!

The Olsons said...

I can't believe you guys are gone already and we never got together! So sad! Well hopefully you won't live out there forever. And if you are out there a long time then hopefully we will see you sometime when you visit. Sounds like you guys are having a fun adventure! Can't wait to see pics!

The Wright's said...

I was hoping for a photo of the warehouse!

But never mind that - I am mad at you. I thought you were leaving on the FIFTH!!! I didn't even get to say goodbye.

I hope you miss us as much as we miss you! Take care of those cute kids.

HelloBridgett said...

Oh, we're enjoying it. Thanks guys. We do miss you though. I hope you can move into your apartment soon.

whitney said...

*sigh* I bet the warehouse was heaven. I'm uber-jealous of that. The whole homeless thing...not so much.

Zachary said...

Man...I miss you guys. Seriously.

ML said...

I'm trying to picture the toilet. (And cleanliness)

ML said...

Never mind. Gabby explained.

Gretch said...

How fun! I've heard that that children's museum is the best in the world. Awesome about the outlets! Glad you guys are having such a good time. We miss you knowing your even farther away!

Bruce Young said...

Sounds like you're having a great time. You've got to figure out how to put pictures up so we can see them!

By the way, I have shoveled our walks. But there's still lots of snow, and some days have been bitter, bitter cold.

But not as cold as having you all so far away. (Sigh)

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