I had so much fun while raking the leaves last week! Watching Gabby and Alex jumping and running into the leaves just brought back when I used to do that--isn't that great that we can live little snippets of our childhood through our kids? It probably took three times longer than it would have but the smiles made it worth it.
so cute!! I'm jealous, gosh, thanks for inviting me! haha.
Oh, I finally put up a post, with some pictures of Gabby we both love.
I think it's just the kids that make my pictures good--it's pretty hard not to take good pictures of Gabby and Alex. Julie: you are always invited, mi casa es su casa--'ja learn that in Guatemalla?
Fantastic photos!!!
Thanks! By the way, I'm loving your posts on designmom. what awesome ideas! Thanks for checking out my blog.
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