After seeing the lunch menu at Gabby's school (comprised mainly of the brown food group, i.e. corn dogs, chicken nuggets, french fries, potato chips, etc.), I decided to pack lunches for her. We're now entering the second month of school and I've been clean out of ideas, aside from the quintessential PB&J, so I went on a hunt for ideas and this is what I found: The Lunch Boxes and Snacks Cookbook (chalk full of colored pictures, which I like in a cookbook). So far it hasn't been a let down. The ideas are great and Gabby has been excited about her lunches, which was the whole point of getting the book.
Why I care about having creative lunches for Gabby: Well, because I remember when my mom would send jack-o-lantern sandwiches with me to school (a sandwich with a face cut out showing the orange cheese in the middle).
You are the coolest mom. I wanna look at that book!
Thanks for the info on the book. I really want to try it now. I make Devyn lunches everyday and I'm running out of ideas. She is so picky though. Its hard. So I will have to find this book!
Check Amazon, I got it for like $5
Good idea! I'll have to remember that for when Jordan is old enough to go to school.
What a fabulous idea. With the food allergy issues, we'll probably be doing sack lunches too, so things like this are always a good idea.
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