Thursday, October 09, 2008


Home of: Indiana University (the nation's top music school), really fast cars, the nation's most affordable housing, and soon to be our new home.

Word leaked out at Noah's company that we're skipping town for [literally] greener pastures. Noah was offered a job (two actually, he got to pick and went for the professional leadership training program) with Cummins--hence the immediate house fix-ups. By the way, our house is on the market so if you'd like to buy it, email me.

Noah starts on the fifth of January, so we've got a few months left in Utah. More updates on this later . . .


rsheedy said...

I think Indiana looks so beautiful. So does your house, by the way. I'm pretty sure Noah needs to come visit his cousins (the Sheedys, of course). We could put him to good use. :) We're sad to see you go!

Gretch said...

I'm sad you're moving but it will be a great adventure for you guys!

Henry Parents said...

Hoosiers are some the best people around, just ask Henry - he's genuine :) We are supa dupa excited to have some Utah souls out here with us.

I really am intending to call you (like everyday, and then life happens and I don't get around to it). So the intention is there, maybe one of these days it will actually happen :)

The Olsons said...

Wow, I can't believe your moving! I guess we better at least get together once before you leave! Maybe a double date, or get together with the kids. Something.