Resolution #1: Of course, one of my resolutions this year is to lose the weight I gained last year. Designmom posted about this great blog to form a community of people trying to lose weight/ get in shape.
So here's what I intend on doing (I did this 2 years ago and lost 20 lbs in about 2 1/2 months): I'm keeping a food log with 1500 calories as my daily allotment. I have a sheet that lists 6 food groups with how many servings I should have a day (vegetables--4 servings, breads--5 servings, meats--2 servings, milk--3 servings, fruits--6 servings and fats--3 servings). I tried to scan it in, but we're having some computer problems and it didn't work so I'll scan it in another time.
I break up my calories like this: 300 for breakfast (light yogurt and toast with honey), 400 for lunch (a sandwich with a cup of low calorie soup), 200 for a snack (I like having a kudos bar--100 calories--and a serving of fruit--60 calories--), for dinner I eat whatever my family eats (smaller portions if it has a lot of calories). I also make sure to Tally up my water intake (I make sure to have 8 glasses a day, 2 each time I eat--it's amazing how drinking enough water lessens your appetite)!
When you reach your goal weight, you gradually increase your calorie intake until you stop losing and you're not gaining.
Great Blog - I am so excited to have you on Get Fit!
I'm not calling this a diet for the record, it's more of a lifestyle change. I really debated about whether or not to blog about this or not--I completely agree with you older singer--you can't obsess about weight. You've got to be happy with yourself as you are NOW. The main reason I'm doing this is to fit into my pants that are now too small and I want to be more energetic to keep up with my kids. I have no desire to be skinny, just healthy.
Okay, I'm in. My water goal is this: everytime I pee I have to drink 2 more cups of water. It starts to taper off, but right now I'm peeing all the time.
I with you on the peeing!
I know I would love it if I drank enough water every day, but I can never seem to make the habit stick. I like your ideas for connecting water drinking to eating or other activities. If I connect it to diaper changes, that would be about the right number.
I don't know, my bladder is already pretty weak as it is, I kind of tried that once just so I could make it to an aerobics class on time--a bit of a disaster to say the least. I think I'll pass, but by all means you're more than welcome to do that, just don't jog to my house.
Could you explain what you mean by "I think I'll pass"?
"I think I'll pass" on older singer's plan for making sure you fit in your workout (you can't pee until you've exercised).
I'll let Noah know that abstinence improves bladder control, I'm sure he'll be quite relieved.
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